Why Hiring a WordPress Developer in India is a Game-changer

WordPress is among the most popular website development platforms across the world. It powers almost 43% of the websites on the internet as we know it today. As a result of this popularity, businesses often consider using WordPress as the foundation of their website, and for good reason. 

However, building and managing a website daily is no easy feat and often requires a dedicated WordPress developer or a team of such developers to take care of.

If you’re looking to hire a WordPress developer in India, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we tell you why hiring a WordPress developer from India is the best thing you can do for your business and how it can benefit you in countless ways. 

Why Should You Hire a WordPress Developer in India?

In this section, we explore various reasons why hiring a WordPress developer in India can benefit your business financially, logistically, and in several other ways. 

Offer a Myriad of WordPress Services In One Go

The first reason you should hire a WordPress developer to build and manage your business’s website is that they are often equipped with the skills to offer you all WordPress-related services.

Whether you want to build a custom theme, integrate plugins, migrate data from an older website, or test new features occasionally, a dedicated WordPress developer can do it all. 

Additionally, a developer who has several years of experience will also be in a unique position to understand your business, what its goals are, its identity, and how it wants all its values reflected on its website. 

Cost Effective

One of the primary reasons businesses worldwide are looking to India to delegate their operations is because it offers a skilled, yet cost-effective workforce. This offers immense financial benefits immediately, as businesses no longer have to pay for hire rates or salaries based on European or American trends.

This difference in the cost to hire largely boils down to the lower cost of living in a country like India, as compared to the United States of America. This difference further reflects in the hourly rates of web developers in India, where you can hire a web or WordPress developer for as low as $18 per hour.  On the other hand, this number steadily climbs to a minimum of $38 per hour in the USA. 

India Offers a Massive Talent Pool

Another key advantage when you hire a WordPress developer in India is that you get to access a massive talent pool. With 65% of India’s population being under 35 years of age, and considering the country’s massive population, you’re sure to find countless skilled candidates no matter where you look.

This population also results in India being among the leading destinations worldwide for tech talent. In fact, statistics also show that in the next five years, 40% of Indian developers will enhance their skills, and the revenue of the IT sector itself is bound to grow significantly in the years to come. This goes to show the growing potential of the Indian workforce, making it an extremely lucrative destination to look for a WordPress developer. 

Reduced Human Resources and Logistical Costs

Another key benefit of hiring a remote WordPress developer from India is that organizations don’t have to spend as much as they usually do when hiring them. Hiring is expensive, and these costs only increase when hiring in person.

However, when hiring a candidate from India for a remote role, the costs of hiring reduce significantly, especially since there are countless avenues where businesses can connect with potential candidates without much expense. 

Further, hiring a remote WordPress developer also means you don’t have to cover the logistical costs of hiring someone in-house. These include the cost of transport, overtime allowances, the provision of a laptop, headset, and other resources necessary for the developer to perform their role.

Further, when businesses hire developers on an hourly basis rather than full-time, they also forgo the need to provide other financial benefits such as insurance, pensions, and more. 

Round the Clock Availability

Last but not least, hiring a WordPress developer in India offers immense flexibility and the opportunity for a candidate who can work when their side of the world is asleep. Websites often require round-the-clock maintenance, and can’t be left unattended for long periods, especially the duration of an entire shift, or longer.

Hiring a developer from across the world in India means you can have someone looking into your website when you’re asleep, without worrying about high bounce rates caused due to an unsatisfactory experience.

Further, hiring a developer in India also offers immense flexibility, as the population is generally more than willing to work with clients and around their preferred timings. This ensures that your WordPress developer is, more often than not, available when you need them on call. 


As you can see, hiring a WordPress developer in India gives your business several benefits. The most important of these for any business, of course, is that India offers cheaper labor when compared to countries in Europe, North America, other parts of Asia, and even Latin America. 

In today’s age, even if businesses don’t have the time to conduct the hiring process themselves, they can always reach out to talent agencies to connect them to the best-suited candidates, so make sure to use the advantage of these resources. At the end of the day, hiring the right candidate is key, and can mean the difference between your business achieving its goals or falling short of them.