How To Remove Someone From Messenger || Complete Guide

Facebook is one of the frequently used social media platforms all across the globe. We can estimate the popularity of the Facebook Application by taking a look at its monthly users as the count approximates up to 3 Billion users. There are many features and facilities regarding communication ease and entertainment that Facebook provides to its worldwide users.

One can add friends to his account from all over the world and share posts, videos, and stories he likes. In addition to this, there is a “Create Page” and “Create Group” facility through which one can communicate with a group of people that “Join In” or “Like Page”. This is a source of gaining popularity on the social media platform. For annoying people, there is an option to block them.

how to remove someone from messenger

What then will happen is that the blocked people can’t see your profile or even the posts or feeds that you share. Moreover, you can separately communicate with your loved ones through Facebook App integrated with Messenger. It is a chat app that contains a list of your friends to communicate with them. However, you can also remove unwanted people from your Messenger Application too.

This was a little overview of the Facebook and Messenger applications. Now, let us ponder over the features of the Messenger Application, and some of its functionalities and after that, we shall discuss how to delete someone on messenger.

Facebook Messenger & Its Functionalities:

Facebook Messenger has been a popular and sensational chat application for the past decade. It has made it easy to connect with people around the world and make new contacts and networks. It is obvious that making new contacts and a broad social network has many advantages not only for an ordinary person but also for professionals and job-seekers.

For this purpose, Messenger plays a vital role in connecting people. Here are some of the features and functionalities provided by Facebook Messenger which make it a good companion to grow a wide social network as well as make it interactive and interesting to use:


Video Sharing

Besides sending and receiving text messages, a Messenger user can also share videos with his friends and connections. This provides a pure source of entertainment for the people.

In addition, it becomes more attractive for the users as viewing the news in the form of video rather than written content can be more engaging.

Emoji Expressions:

Facebook Messenger has an alluring feature of Emoji. These are expressive and one can convey his feelings to his friends through them. Emojis are used instead of typing text to exhibit emotions.

For example, if one is feeling happy, he can use a Smiling or Cheering Emoji instead of typing “I am feeling happy..”.


Another sensational feature of Messenger is the Stickers. There are a variety of different stickers that contain different messages and expressions. These stickers provide ease in the communication between Messenger users same as the emoji feature does.

We can say that the sticker feature is also a good and enhanced feature to utilize while chatting with friends.

Secure Account:

Security is the most essential component of any application. Same for the Messenger App, there is a feature of Face Recognition and Fingerprint Impression.

You can set your Face ID and Thumb Impression to make your account secure. This would enable only authorized access to your messages and chats, hence increasing privacy measures for you.

Enhanced Conversation Flow:

how to remove someone from messenger

The best feature of Facebook Messenger is the enhanced conversation flow. It refers to the replying capability of a message or any media. One can select his friend’s message and reply to that particular text, photo, or video accordingly.

Moreover, he can also react to these messages as when selecting them, there comes an option that shows different reactions i.e. Like, Love, Laugh, Cry, Angry, and Thumbs Up.

How To Remove Someone From Messenger:

It is for sure that Facebook Messenger has countless positivities but at the same time, some aspects direct towards its negative side too. It is a fact that there are many fake IDs and Spam spread across the Facebook social network they use the Messenger App due to its integration.

These people annoy other Messenger users through multiple tactics. Often the scammers hack the IDs of people and blackmail them. These negative activities keep people restless and often cause psychological disorders.

For the elimination of such activities and disturbance due to unwanted texts, Facebook Messenger has a feature to remove such kinds of chats, scammers, blackmailers, and culprits.

We can get rid of them in a very easy way as Messenger provides multiple options regarding the removal of IDs. These different methods are given as under:

Mute the Chat Notification:

The Messenger’s Mute Chat option has great importance. This facility provides relief from a continuous notification sound that may irritate a person. More often it happens that when you’re outside and you get a sudden public internet connection, there comes a series of Messenger Chat notifications, reflecting terrible vibes due to the tune sound.

For clearing out this particular issue, The Mute Chat facility of Messenger helps out. In addition to this, it also helps in preventing unwanted messages as you would not get any alert sound which makes it easy to ignore the spam. How you can execute this feature, here is the process to follow:

Mute the Chat Notification

  1. Open the Chat that you want to mute
  2. Select the “More Options” or “I” button at the top right corner, you’ll get multiple options.
  3. From those options, scroll down and select the Notifications option.
  4. Then you’ll see the Mute Conversation option right on the top. Select it and Turn On the option.
  5. Now you’ll see a small screen in which you’ll get some options regarding the period of muting that chat.
  6. Select your desired period from the list and click “OK”. The chat will be muted successfully.

Ignore the Contact ID:

You can scrap those messenger IDs that send you irrelevant or unwanted messages through another feature of Messenger and that is the Ignore Conversation option.

By enabling this option, the selected chat moves towards the Message Request panel of the Messenger, stopping the fussy and irritable notification. Let us see how to enable this option:

Ignore the Contact ID

  1. You’ll have to follow the same steps as for the Mute Conversation option. Just tap the “Ignore Messages” Button instead of the “Mute Conversation”.
  2. Then you’ll see a small display asking you whether you’re sure to take this action. Click on “Ignore”.
  3. The chat is then successfully moved to the “Message Requests” portion.

Delete the Contact ID:

Deleting unwanted contact has simple steps to follow. The need of deleting contact arises when you get a message request from an unknown ID. As soon as you reply to him, your contact list of Messenger updates adding that ID name. If it seems annoying or undesirable to you, simply delete that contact.

Note that deleting contact shall not delete the conversation. You need to follow different procedures to delete the conversation. For deleting the Contact ID, here are some simple steps:

Delete the Contact ID

  1. Tap on the “Setting” option at the top-right corner.
  2. Select the “People” tab in the given options.
  3. Opt for the “Contact” icon (having a logo like a book) right on the top. You’ll get all the added Messenger contacts.
  4. Select the contact you need to remove. Press the “Remove Contact” option. The contact will be deleted instantly.

Unfriend the Contact ID:

To get consolation from some bothering contact IDs on Messenger, there is another choice to unfriend them. It is the same as unfriending that ID from Facebook. It results in the removal of that ID as well as he cannot see the private content that you’ve posted on Facebook. For Unfriending an ID, What you have to do is to follow some steps that we are about to share below:

Unfriend the Contact ID

  1. Select the Messenger chat of a person you want to unfriend.
  2. Tap on the “I” option on the right top corner. Here select the “View Profile” option.
  3. You will see the person’s Facebook ID. Simply click on the “Unfriend” button. You will see a pop-up screen with multiple options.
  4. Select the “Unfriend” option. The ID is successfully unfriended.

Block the Contact ID:

Last but not least solution for how to remove people from Messenger is the blocking of that ID. By blocking them, the entire connection between you and that particular ID breaks up and he cannot even see your Facebook profile or any of your posts.

This is the best way to get relief from the vexation while using Facebook Messenger. Below given is the procedure to carry out:

Block the Contact ID

  1. Click on the chat you desire to block. Select “i” on the top-right corner.
  2. Scroll down till the end. You’ll see the “Block” option. Tap it.
  3. Select the “Block Messages” to block that ID from Messenger.


So, are you annoyed or disturbed due to useless chats on Messenger, Simply apply the set of tactics that we’ve discussed in the above article on how to remove someone from Messenger. You’ll truly feel relaxed, contented, and stress-free.