Fuel Up Your ARK Adventures: The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Crafting Gasoline

Gasoline is a crucial resource in ARK: Survival Evolved, serving as a fuel source for various machinery and vehicles. In this harsh, prehistoric world, being able to craft your own gasoline can mean the difference between being stranded and having the mobility to explore and thrive.

Gasoline is a combustible liquid that can be used to power generators, providing electricity for your base, as well as fueling vehicles like cars, boats, and even mechs. Without gasoline, you’ll be limited in your ability to traverse the vast landscapes of ARK, making it harder to gather resources, hunt for food, and defend against hostile creatures. Mastering the art of gasoline production is a game-changer, granting you the freedom to roam and the power to conquer.

Why Make Your Own Gasoline?

Making your own gasoline in ARK: Survival Evolved offers several key advantages over simply finding it in the game world:

Efficiency: By crafting gasoline yourself, you control the supply and can produce exactly how much you need, when you need it. This eliminates wasted time searching for gasoline sources and managing limited found quantities.

Self-Sufficiency: Relying on found gasoline makes you dependent on luck and exploration to acquire this vital resource. Producing your own allows you to be self-sufficient and guarantees a steady supply for powering vehicles and generators.

Resource Management: The ingredients for gasoline, oil and hide, can be sustainably gathered from renewable sources you control. This allows you to manage your production resources more effectively.

Early Game Boost: Getting gasoline production up and running early provides a huge advantage, allowing you to explore and expand more rapidly using powered transportation and structures.

Consistency: Found gasoline supplies can be erratic and unreliable. Crafting your own ensures a consistent supply tailored to your current needs.

Materials Needed

To craft gasoline in ARK: Survival Evolved, you’ll need the following materials:


  • Hide – Obtained by hunting and harvesting dinosaurs. Different dinos provide varying amounts of hide.
  • Oil – A crucial ingredient found by pumping oil nodes or harvesting certain creatures like the Dunkleosteus.

Crafting Structures:

  • Mortar and Pestle – A basic crafting station used to grind up materials like hide.
  • Refining Forge – An advanced forge that allows you to smelt raw materials into usable resources like gasoline.
  • Industrial Forge – A more powerful version of the Refining Forge that produces resources faster.

Getting Hide

One of the key ingredients for making gasoline in ARK: Survival Evolved is hide. Hide is obtained by hunting and harvesting dinosaurs or other creatures. The amount of hide you get depends on the type and level of the creature. Generally, larger creatures like Trikes, Stegos, and Rexes will provide more hide per harvest than smaller dinos.

For beginners, some of the best early sources of hide are:

  • Dilo – These small dinosaurs are relatively easy to take down even with basic tools or firearms. Each Dilo will provide a decent amount of hide.
  • Doed – The doed is a larger, more aggressive dino, but packs of them can be found grazing together. Taking down a few doeds will net you a good supply of hide.
  • Trike – As one of the earliest obtainable larger dinos, trikes become a great source of substantial amounts of hide once you can reliably take them down.

As you progress, don’t overlook other potential hide sources like Alpha carnivores, Giganotosaurus, Quetzals, or even mammals like Yuti. The higher level the creature, the more hide they will provide when harvested. Always be on the lookout for potential sources of this crucial gasoline ingredient.

Getting Oil

Oil is a crucial ingredient for making gasoline in ARK: Survival Evolved. There are two main ways to obtain oil: through oil pumps or by harvesting it from specific dinosaurs.

Oil Pumps

One of the most efficient methods to acquire oil is by constructing and utilizing oil pumps. These structures can be placed near oil nodes or veins found across the ARK maps. Ideal locations for oil pumps include:

  • The Frozen Tooth area in the Snow Biome on the Island map
  • The Western Highlands region in the Ragnarok map
  • The Bottomless Ridge in the Aberration map

Once an oil pump is built and activated, it will continuously extract oil from the nearby nodes, allowing you to collect and store it for gasoline production.

Dino Harvesting

Certain dinosaurs in ARK can provide oil as a harvested resource. The Ankylosaurus, Dunkleosteus, and Basilosaurus are excellent sources of oil. To obtain oil from these creatures, you’ll need to knock them unconscious and harvest their resources using the appropriate tools, such as a pickaxe or a fist.

When hunting for oil-bearing dinosaurs, it’s recommended to target higher-level individuals, as they tend to yield more resources. Additionally, some creatures may be more challenging to tame or knock out, so exercising caution and proper preparation is essential.

Crafting Structures

To craft gasoline in ARK: Survival Evolved, you’ll need access to certain crafting stations or structures. The most essential ones are the mortar and pestle, and one of the various forges available in the game.

Mortar and Pestle

The mortar and pestle is a crucial crafting tool that allows you to grind up various materials, including the hide needed for gasoline production. You can craft this handy tool at any refinement station or smithy once you’ve acquired the necessary resources, which typically include stone, wood, and thatch.


The forging process is where the actual gasoline crafting takes place. There are three main types of forges you can use:

Refining Forge

The refining forge is the most basic forge available and can be crafted relatively early in the game. It requires resources like stone, wood, and hide. While the refining forge can produce gasoline, it has a lower yield compared to the other forge options.

Industrial Forge

As the name suggests, the industrial forge is a more advanced and efficient option for gasoline production. It requires more resources to craft, such as metal ingots, cementing paste, and electronics. The industrial forge has a higher yield than the refining forge, making it a better choice for larger-scale gasoline production.

Refining Forge (Tek)

The Tek version of the refining forge is the most advanced option, but it requires access to Tek technology, which is typically available in later stages of the game. This forge is highly efficient and can produce large quantities of gasoline at once, but it also requires rare and valuable resources like element shards.

Depending on your progression in the game and the resources available to you, you’ll need to choose the appropriate forge for your gasoline production needs. Keep in mind that the more advanced forges require more resources to craft but offer higher yields and efficiency in return.

How To Make Gasoline In ARK

The process for crafting gasoline in ARK: Survival Evolved varies slightly depending on which type of forge you have access to. Here are the detailed steps for each forge:

Refining Forge

  1. Place 6 units of Oil and 3 units of Hide into the Refining Forge inventory.
  2. Add a fuel source like Sparkpowder, Gasoline, or Charcoal to the Forge fuel slot.
  3. Access the Forge radial menu and select the “Refine Gasoline” option.
  4. Wait for around 30 seconds while the materials are refined.
  5. The Refining Forge will produce up to 20 units of Gasoline.
  6. Collect the Gasoline from the Forge inventory.

Industrial Forge

  1. Load the Industrial Forge hopper with 6 units of Oil and 3 units of Hide.
  2. Ensure the Industrial Forge has a fuel source like Wood, Charcoal, or Coal.
  3. Access the Forge radial menu and select “Gasoline” from the list of refinable resources.
  4. The Industrial Forge will begin refining the materials into Gasoline over time.
  5. Monitor the Industrial Forge output hopper and collect the produced Gasoline periodically.

Forge (Campfire)

  1. Place 6 units of Oil and 3 units of Hide into the Forge inventory.
  2. Add a fuel source like Wood or Thatch to the Forge fuel slot.
  3. Access the Forge radial menu and select the “Refine Gasoline” option.
  4. Wait for around 30 seconds while the materials are refined.
  5. The Forge will produce up to 20 units of Gasoline.
  6. Collect the Gasoline from the Forge inventory.

Remember, the Refining Forge and Industrial Forge are more efficient for mass gasoline production, while the basic Forge is suitable for small batches or early game crafting. Always have a steady supply of Hide and Oil on hand for continuous gasoline crafting.

Gasoline Yield

Making your own gasoline in ARK is an efficient way to maximize your fuel production. When crafting gasoline in a Refining Forge, Industrial Forge, or Refining Forge, you can produce up to 20 units of gasoline at a time. The key is to use the right ratio of ingredients – 6 units of Oil and 3 units of Hide.

To get the most out of each gasoline crafting session, it’s important to have a steady supply of Oil and Hide on hand. Consider setting up an Oil Pump near an Oil Vein to continuously extract Oil. For Hide, focus on hunting higher-level dinosaurs as they provide more Hide per kill.

By carefully managing your ingredient resources and crafting in bulk, you can ensure you always have enough gasoline stockpiled for powering vehicles, generators, and other fuel-consuming structures or tools. Efficient gasoline production will keep your ARK operations running smoothly without frequent resource gathering interruptions.

Uses of Gasoline

Gasoline is a crucial resource in ARK: Survival Evolved, serving as the primary fuel source for powering various essential items and structures. Two of the most significant uses for gasoline are fueling motorized vehicles and generators.

Powering Vehicles

In the vast, prehistoric world of ARK, traversing long distances on foot can be perilous and time-consuming. Motorized vehicles, such as the Motorboat, Raft, Dune Buggy, and Tek Hover Skiff, provide a much faster and safer means of transportation. However, these vehicles require a steady supply of gasoline to function. Without gasoline, you’ll be stranded, leaving you vulnerable to the dangers that lurk around every corner.

Fueling Generators

Generators are indispensable structures that provide a reliable source of electrical power, enabling you to operate various electrical devices and structures, such as the Fabricator, Tek Replicator, and even the powerful Forcefield. These generators require a constant supply of gasoline to keep running, ensuring that your base remains powered and operational at all times. Losing power can be catastrophic, leaving you defenseless against hostile creatures and other players.

Early Game Gasoline Strategy

In the early game of ARK, one of your top priorities should be setting up gasoline production. Gasoline is a crucial resource that powers vehicles and generators, allowing you to travel long distances and maintain power at your base. Here are some tips for prioritizing gasoline in the early game:

Prioritize Building an Oil Pump

One of the biggest bottlenecks in gasoline production is obtaining a steady supply of oil. While you can get small amounts of oil from harvesting certain dinosaurs, this is incredibly inefficient. Instead, focus on building an oil pump as soon as possible. Look for an area with petroleum veins and construct the oil pump directly on top of them. This will give you a constant flow of oil into your reserves.

Hunt High-Level Dinos

In addition to oil, you’ll need a good amount of hide to craft gasoline. Higher-level dinosaurs will provide more hide when harvested, so it’s worth taking the time to hunt and kill these tougher creatures. Target species like Trikes, Stegos, and Raptors, as they tend to have higher hide yields.

Dedicate a Forge

Having a forge dedicated solely to gasoline production can help streamline the process. Set up a refining forge or industrial forge near your oil pump and stock it with the necessary resources. This way, you can easily keep gasoline production going without having to shuttle resources back and forth.

Batch Produce

Gasoline has a maximum stack of 20 units, so it’s best to produce it in batches. Load up your forge with enough resources to create a full stack, then let it run while you attend to other tasks. This ensures you’re always making the most efficient use of your resources.

Advanced Gasoline Production

As your ARK colony grows and your need for gasoline increases, you’ll want to look into automating and scaling up your gasoline production. Manual crafting can become tedious and inefficient.

One option is to build a dedicated gasoline farm with multiple industrial forges and auto-feeders hooked up to your oil and hide supplies. This allows for bulk, continuous gasoline production with minimal player input after the initial setup.

Another advancement is using industrial cookers fed by crop plots growing the right ingredients. While more complex to configure, this renewable gasoline source doesn’t rely on finite oil reserves.

For the ultimate in gasoline automation, consider building a industrial pipeline connecting oil pumps, refineries, forges, and storage tanks. With some creative plumbing, you can create an entire gasoline factory pumping out fuel 24/7.

No matter which path you choose, investing in gasoline production infrastructure pays off immensely later in ARK. Don’t be afraid to think big and go industrial-scale when your colony’s gasoline demands skyrocket.


Can you make gasoline in all forges?

No, you cannot make gasoline in all forges in ARK: Survival Evolved. The three forges that allow you to craft gasoline are the Refining Forge, Industrial Forge, and the Refining Forge. The regular Forge or Smithy cannot be used to produce gasoline.

Is making your own gasoline better than finding it?

In most cases, yes – making your own gasoline is better than finding it on the ARK maps. While you can sometimes find gasoline as loot in supply drops or beaver dams, the quantities are limited. By crafting gasoline yourself, you have an unlimited supply as long as you have the required resources of oil and hide. Self-producing gasoline also allows you to be self-sufficient without relying on luck or rare spawns.

How do you get large quantities of oil for gasoline?

The most efficient way to obtain large quantities of oil for gasoline production is to build an Oil Pump. This structure will automatically extract oil from underground reservoirs over time. You can also get oil from taming certain creatures like the Dung Beetle, Rock Drake, or Carbonemys and having them produce oil periodically. However, these methods yield far less oil compared to an Oil Pump.

Pro Tips

Maximize Hide Harvesting

  • Target high-level carnivorous dinosaurs like Raptors, Sabertooths, and Rexes for maximum hide yields.
  • Use a high-damage weapon like a Longneck Rifle or Compound Bow to kill dinos quickly and avoid wasting precious hide.
  • Invest in a preserving bin early to prevent hide spoilage.

Streamline Oil Gathering

  • Prioritize building an Oil Pump as soon as possible for a consistent oil supply.
  • Place your pump near large stretches of ocean or lakes for maximum oil yield.
  • Tame an Ankylosaurus to rapidly harvest stone for pump refueling.

Efficient Gasoline Production

  • Build multiple forges and have tribe members dedicated to gasoline production.
  • Locate your forges near a plentiful supply of oil and hide sources.
  • Keep backup forges on hand in case one breaks down during production cycles.

Gasoline Storage

  • Construct gasoline storage tanks near your forges for easy access.
  • Insulate gasoline tanks to prevent degradation and waste.
  • Keep a stockpile for emergencies, travel, and generator refueling.

Other Fuel Sources

While gasoline is the most common and versatile fuel source in ARK, it’s not the only option available. One alternative is harvesting feces from creatures like beavers, which can be used to power certain generators and structures. Beaver feces, or “gasoline rocks” as they’re called, provide a renewable fuel source that eliminates the need for gasoline production entirely. However, they have limited applications and cannot be used to power vehicles or many industrial machines. For players looking to go an entirely green route, beaver feces are an interesting option, though they come with their own challenges in harvesting and storage. Ultimately, gasoline remains the most functional fuel source for most players’ needs in ARK.


Mastering the art of gasoline production in ARK: Survival Evolved is a game-changing skill that unlocks new levels of self-sufficiency and mobility. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to efficiently craft gasoline using readily available resources like hide and oil.

Gasoline serves as the lifeblood for many essential tools and structures in ARK, from powering generators to fueling vehicles for long-distance travel. With a steady supply of gasoline at your disposal, you’ll no longer be at the mercy of finite resources or dangerous scavenging missions.

Moreover, the ability to produce your own gasoline fosters a sense of independence and self-reliance, which are invaluable traits in the unforgiving world of ARK. By taking control of your fuel needs, you’ll be better equipped to explore, establish bases, and conquer challenges that would otherwise be out of reach.

Embrace the power of self-sufficiency and make gasoline production a cornerstone of your ARK survival strategy. With this valuable skill in your arsenal, you’ll be well on your way to thriving in even the harshest of environments.