How to Change The Admin Email in Hostmonster in 5 Easy Steps

A website’s admin email address is one of the most important contact details. It is stored in your Hostmonster account profile and displayed publicly in your domain’s WHOIS records. Keeping your admin email address up to date ensures you receive important notifications about your domain and website. It also enables easy ownership verification and allows others to contact you if needed.

Outdated or incorrect admin contact information could lead to missed renewal notices, account security issues, or even loss of your domain if you can no longer be reached. Since your email address may change over time after switching providers or inboxes, it is wise to periodically update your admin email in Hostmonster and related WHOIS records. This prevents complications and ensures you stay informed as the domain owner.

Properly setting up your admin email also improves domain security. By designating an email address you actively use and control, you can monitor messages and quickly address potential domain issues as they arise. When selling or transferring a domain to someone else, having current admin contact details is also required for a smooth transition. Keeping your Hostmonster admin profile and domain WHOIS information updated with your preferred email sets you up for success as a domain owner.

Reasons to Change The Admin Email in Hostmonste

When you first register a domain and set up hosting with Hostmonster, you provide an admin email address associated with your account. This email is used for important account notifications, confirmations, and login links.

There are a few key reasons why you may need to update your Hostmonster admin email address:

You Changed Email Providers

If you switch email providers or no longer use the address you originally signed up with, you’ll want to update your admin email in HostMonster. This ensures you continue receiving vital notices and can access your account. For example, if you initially used a address but changed to an email, you would need to update the admin address to the new email.

Account Security Purposes

For security best practices, some users occasionally like to change critical email addresses associated with accounts. Updating your HostMonster admin email to a newer address can retire an older inbox and reduce potential security risks if the email is compromised.

Domain Ownership Transfer

When transferring a domain to a new owner, changing the admin email is part of the process. The new owner must insert their email to take over domain management fully. The previous owner’s email must be swapped out to relinquish access.

How to Change The Admin Email in Hostmonster

How to Change The Admin Email in Hostmonster

Logging into your Hostmonster Account

To change your admin email address for your HostMonster account, you’ll first need to log into your HostMonster control panel. Here are the steps to access your account login:

  1. Go to the Hostmonster homepage at

  2. In the top right corner, click “Log In,” which will take you to the login page.

  3. Enter your HostMonster username and password and click “Log In.”

  4. This will log you into the Hostmonster control panel dashboard. You can navigate the section to change the admin contact email address associated with your account and domains.

The Hostmonster control panel provides access to manage all aspects of your Hostmonster account, domains, web hosting, and more. By logging in here, you can locate the setting to update your domain’s admin contact email address.

Locating the Admin Email Setting

To change your admin email address in Hostmonster, you must first locate this setting in your control panel. Here are the steps to find it:

  • Log into your HostMonster account and go to the Account or My Profile section. This is usually found in the top navigation bar or under a “My Account” or similar menu.

  • In the Account/Profile area, look for a section related to your email addresses. This is sometimes called “Email Accounts,” “Email Addresses,” or something similar.

  • Within this section, you should see the email address listed as the Account Owner, Administrator, Admin Contact, or similar. This is the admin email address for your account.

  • Other email addresses may be listed for different purposes, but look for the one labeled as the admin, owner, or primary contact. This is the email address you will want to change.

So, in summary, you need to log into Hostmonster, go to your Account/Profile section, find the page related to email addresses, and locate the admin email address to change it. The control panel layout may vary, but these steps will lead you to the correct place.

Entering a New Admin Email Address

You’ll need to enter your new preferred email address when you have located the setting to change your admin email address in HostMonster. It’s important to double-check that you have entered the address correctly, with no typos or errors. This ensures the validation emails and other domain-related notifications are delivered to the right inbox.

Be sure to use an email address that you actively use and control. Avoid entering email addresses you don’t frequently monitor, or that may become deactivated, like a previous work email after leaving a company. Using your primary personal or business email address that you can easily access is recommended.

Test sending an email to the address after changing it in Hostmonster to confirm messages are received properly in the new email inbox. This quick test can identify potential issues and allow you to update the address again.

Saving Changes and Confirming Updates

Once you enter your new admin email address in the Email Addresses section of your HostMonster account, the next step is to complete the process to change and save this updated email officially.

Here are the steps to successfully save your new admin email address:

  1. After typing your new email, double-check that it is entered accurately and completely. This email is valid and one you control, so you receive important domain notifications.

  2. Click the “Change Email” or “Update” button on the page. This will initiate the admin email change in Hostmonster.

  3. You may need to confirm the change by clicking a link to your new email address. Check your inbox for the confirmation message and click the included link. This verifies ownership of the new email.

  4. Wait for Hostmonster to display a confirmation that your admin email address has been updated successfully. Typically, you will see a success message displayed at the top of the screen after following the email link.

  5. To confirm the new email saved properly, log out of your HostMonster account completely, then log back in using your new admin email and password. This ensures the change is stuck.

  6. You can also double-check that your new email is displayed accurately under Account or Profile settings. Navigate to your info and verify the admin email field shows the new email address.

Following these steps will allow you to fully update, save, and confirm the new admin email for your HostMonster account. With the change completed, your domain’s key contact information will remain up-to-date.

Updating WHOIS Records

WHOIS records contain technical and administrative contact information about a domain name. They are publicly available so anyone can see who owns and manages a domain.

When you change the admin email address for your domain in Hostmonster, you’ll also need to update the WHOIS records to reflect this. Here are the steps:

  1. Log into your HostMonster account and go to the Domains section. Locate the domain for which you changed the admin email.

  2. Click on the domain name to open the management page. Select the WHOIS contact section.

  3. Find the Admin field and enter your new admin email address. Make sure it matches what you updated in HostMonster.

  4. Click save to update the WHOIS records.

  5. You can confirm the changes by looking up your domain on a WHOIS lookup website. The admin email address should now show your new email.

Syncing your new admin email in Hostmonster and the WHOIS records is important to ensure you receive domain-related communications properly. It also publicly displays accurate ownership info for your domain.

Email Forwarding

Once you change the admin email address in your HostMonster account, you’ll want to ensure any emails sent to the old address get forwarded to the new admin email inbox. Here are some tips on setting up email forwarding:

Set Up Forwards From Old Address

  • Log into the email service hosted by your old admin email account (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, etc).
  • Find the settings for email forwarding and create a new forward rule.
  • Enter the new admin email address you recently updated in Hostmonster as the forward destination.
  • Configure the forward to send all email from your old address to the new one.
  • Save your changes once the forwarding rule is set up.

Update Email Client Settings

You’ll also want to update the settings in any email clients you use to send and receive emails with the old admin address.

  • Change the configuration to use your new admin email credentials in your desktop email program or mobile app.
  • Update any saved email account profiles to start sending from your new admin email address.
  • Double-check that email rules, signatures, or filters are switched to the new account.
  • Check that the email is properly received in your new admin email inbox.

By setting up forwarding and updating your email clients, you can ensure a smooth transition when changing your HostMonster admin contact email.

Confirming the Change

Once you have updated the admin email address in your HostMonster account, it’s important to confirm the changes were applied properly. Here are a few ways to verify the new admin email address is active:

Test Login with New Admin Email

After changing your admin email, try logging out of Hostmonster and logging back in using the new email address and password. This is to confirm you can access the account with the updated credentials.

If the login succeeds, the new admin email is properly set. If you have trouble signing in, double-check that the new email is entered correctly in your profile.

Check WHOIS Records Updated

WHOIS records publicly display the registrant and admin contact info for a domain. After changing your admin email in Hostmonster, you’ll want to check the WHOIS data to ensure it reflects the new address.

Use a WHOIS lookup tool and search for your domain. Under the “Administrative Contact” section, you should see the updated admin email listed. Depending on how quickly the WHOIS records update, you may need to check back after a day or two.

Confirming these details are updated is an important final step to ensure your new admin email address is fully active and any domain ownership changes have been propagated.


Changing your HostMonster admin email address is important to keeping your domain management up-to-date. In this guide, we walked through the key steps to how to change the admin email in Hostmonster:

  • First, log into your HostMonster account by navigating to the login page and entering your credentials.

  • Next, locate the “Email Addresses” section under your Account or My Profile settings. This is where your admin email address is configured.

  • Enter and confirm your new preferred admin email address here, replacing the existing one. Be sure to use an email you actively control and monitor.

  • Complete the process by saving your changes in HostMonster. Double-check that the new email is showing properly as your configured admin address.

  • You may also want to update related information, like your domain’s WHOIS records, to reflect the new admin email. Refer to your registrar’s instructions on syncing this public listing.

  • Additionally, set up email forwarding from your old address or update the admin email settings in your email client. This ensures you don’t miss any notices sent to the prior admin inbox.

Keeping your admin contact information current with Hostmonster and domain registrars ensures you receive important notifications and allows you to maintain full control over your online properties. Take the time to periodically review and update your admin email address and other account details as needed. The few minutes it takes will save you headaches down the road.